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walking movement improvements: fix blocked ghost movement, be able to handle...

Merged Jonathan Ehret requested to merge fix_5.3/blocked_ghost_movement into dev/5.3
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#include "Pawn/Navigation/VRPawnMovement.h"
#include "DrawDebugHelpers.h"
#include "Kismet/KismetSystemLibrary.h"
UVRPawnMovement::UVRPawnMovement(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer) : Super(ObjectInitializer)
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ UVRPawnMovement::UVRPawnMovement(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer) :
void UVRPawnMovement::BeginPlay()
LastCollisionFreeCapsulePosition = CapsuleColliderComponent->GetComponentLocation();
LastSteeringCollisionVector = FVector(0, 0, 0);
ActorsToIgnore = {GetOwner()};
@@ -46,13 +46,14 @@ void UVRPawnMovement::TickComponent(float DeltaTime, enum ELevelTick TickType,
//if me managed to get into a collision revert the movement since last Tick
//check whether we are still in collision e.g. if an object has moved and got us into collision
if (NavigationMode == EVRNavigationModes::NAV_FLY || NavigationMode == EVRNavigationModes::NAV_WALK)
//if me managed to get into a collision revert the movement since last Tick
//check whether we are still in collision e.g. if an object has moved and got us into collision
if (InputVector.Size() > 0.001)
const FVector SafeSteeringInput = GetCollisionSafeVirtualSteeringVec(InputVector, DeltaTime);
@@ -65,6 +66,7 @@ void UVRPawnMovement::TickComponent(float DeltaTime, enum ELevelTick TickType,
// so we add stepping-up (for both walk and fly)
// and gravity for walking only
@@ -139,12 +141,23 @@ void UVRPawnMovement::SetCapsuleColliderToUserSize() const
void UVRPawnMovement::CheckAndRevertCollisionSinceLastTick()
//check whether we are in a collision at the current position
const FVector CapsuleLocation = CapsuleColliderComponent->GetComponentLocation();
if (!LastCollisionFreeCapsulePosition.IsSet())
//we cannot revert anyways so only check if the current position is collision free
if (!CreateCapsuleTrace(CapsuleLocation, CapsuleLocation).bBlockingHit)
LastCollisionFreeCapsulePosition = CapsuleLocation;
//check whether we are in a collision at the current position
if (CreateCapsuleTrace(CapsuleLocation, CapsuleLocation).bBlockingHit)
//if so move back to last position
UpdatedComponent->AddWorldOffset(LastCollisionFreeCapsulePosition - CapsuleLocation);
UpdatedComponent->AddWorldOffset(LastCollisionFreeCapsulePosition.GetValue() - CapsuleLocation);
@@ -154,15 +167,28 @@ void UVRPawnMovement::CheckAndRevertCollisionSinceLastTick()
void UVRPawnMovement::MoveOutOfNewDynamicCollisions()
FVector ResolveDirection = GetOverlapResolveDirection();
ResolveDirection *= 1.5f; //scale it up for security distance
TOptional<FVector> ResolveDirectionOptional = GetOverlapResolveDirection();
if (ResolveDirectionOptional.IsSet())
FVector ResolveDirection = 1.5f * ResolveDirectionOptional.GetValue(); //scale it up for security distance
//invalidate the last collision-free position, since apparently something changed so we got into this collision
void UVRPawnMovement::CheckForPhysWalkingCollision()
if (!LastCollisionFreeCapsulePosition.IsSet())
//we don't know any old collision-free location, so do nothing here
const FVector CapsuleLocation = CapsuleColliderComponent->GetComponentLocation();
const FHitResult HitResult = CreateCapsuleTrace(LastCollisionFreeCapsulePosition, CapsuleLocation);
const FHitResult HitResult = CreateCapsuleTrace(LastCollisionFreeCapsulePosition.GetValue(), CapsuleLocation);
//if this was not possible move the entire pawn away to avoid the head collision
if (HitResult.bBlockingHit)
@@ -175,6 +201,14 @@ void UVRPawnMovement::CheckForPhysWalkingCollision()
FVector UVRPawnMovement::GetCollisionSafeVirtualSteeringVec(FVector InputVector, float DeltaTime)
// if we were in a collision in the last step already (so no LastCollisionFreeCapsulePosition is set)
// we allow movement to resole this collision (otherwise you wold be stuck forever)
if (!LastCollisionFreeCapsulePosition.IsSet())
return InputVector;
const float SafetyFactor = 3.0f; //so we detect collision a bit earlier
const FVector CapsuleLocation = CapsuleColliderComponent->GetComponentLocation();
FVector ProbePosition = SafetyFactor * InputVector.GetSafeNormal() * GetMaxSpeed() * DeltaTime + CapsuleLocation;
@@ -276,7 +310,7 @@ FHitResult UVRPawnMovement::CreateCapsuleTrace(const FVector& Start, const FVect
return Hit;
FVector UVRPawnMovement::GetOverlapResolveDirection()
TOptional<FVector> UVRPawnMovement::GetOverlapResolveDirection() const
TArray<UPrimitiveComponent*> OverlappingComponents;
TArray<TEnumAsByte<EObjectTypeQuery>> traceObjectTypes;
@@ -286,9 +320,14 @@ FVector UVRPawnMovement::GetOverlapResolveDirection()
traceObjectTypes, nullptr, ActorsToIgnore, OverlappingComponents);
FVector ResolveVector = FVector::ZeroVector;
if (OverlappingComponents.Num() == 0)
// return unset optional
return TOptional<FVector>();
//check what to do to move out of these collisions (or nothing if non is there)
FVector ResolveVector = FVector::ZeroVector;
//check what to do to move out of these collisions (or nothing if none is there)
//we just add the penetrations so in very unfortunate conditions this can become problematic/blocking but for now and our regular use cases this works
for (const UPrimitiveComponent* OverlappingComp : OverlappingComponents)