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Feature/#337 go for nightly builds on develop and master

Closes #337

As soon as this merge request is done I'll adapt the branch of the required schedule (see CI/CD -> Schedules).

By merging this branch into develop we are going to have a working nightly build on Windows (Visual Studio 17) and Linux (gcc 5.3.1 & gcc 6.3.1). In comparison to our common builds the conan tree gets cleared (nightlies have another CONAN_USER_HOME, our standard conan directory stays untouched) and we do have a clean new build from source with all dependencies.

As you can see in the attached pipeline I added a new first stage that is responsible for cleaning the CONAN_USER_HOME. Moreover except and only keywords are used to distinguish schedules (nightly builds) from non-schedules (common builds).

In case you want to have a closer look at the pipeline the conan stage is the most interesting job of the pipeline.

Edited by Jan Delember

Merge request reports