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Extensions to boost::mpi based on https://git.rwth-aachen.de/protze/mpi-detach
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C++ Unified Interface Library. Developer in charge: Benjamin Montavon
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Converts NIFTI 1/2 files to HDF5 files containing an N-dimensional regular grid and a voxel spacing attribute.
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OPTIS is a standalone Python based web application which aims to minimize time requirements of busines processes. It's customized to work on a single business process, for which the user can get custom recommendations. To do that the OPTIS app uses a neural network trained with RL-techniques. The network can recommend the optimal next activity for any active case the user has in their event log.
To run the Docker image:
docker pull registry.git-ce.rwth-aachen.de/optis/optis_app
docker run -p 5000:5000 -d registry.git-ce.rwth-aachen.de/optis/optis_app
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The SecMOD MILP framework is a flexible framework for the optimization and life-cycle assessment of mixed-integer linear multi-sector systems. This is the git project to the publication: "Design of low-carbon multi-energy systems in the SecMOD framework by combining MILP optimization and life-cycle assessment " by C. Reinert, N. Nolzen et al. (2023). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compchemeng.2023.108176.
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Simple fictional measuring systems for illustrating the usage of the SensOr Interacing Language (SOIL). Developer in charge: Matthias Bodenbenner