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VR Frontend for the DasherCore (https://github.com/VRGroupRWTH/DasherCore)
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Unreal Engine project template catering to the common use cases at RWTH VR
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this is a plugin to develop Virtual Humans for Unreal
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The study framework should allow to easily create studies using the Unreal engine and run them in the CAVE or under HMDs etc.
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Plugin to use Virtual Acoustics (VA) by the Institute of Hearing Technology and Acoustics (IHTA) in Unreal
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Plugin to visualize a user avatar when using HMD-based VR
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This Plugin helps to quickly add Likert-Scales to your VR application. Those can be a single scale, or multiple scales on one page or on multiple pages. Also "No-Answer" options etc. exist.
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A universal logging system that works in shipping builds.
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Plugin for quick and simple MoCap using the HTC Vive System and additional Vive Trackers