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Programmcode und Informationen zum BitS1-Robotcar
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Extensions to boost::mpi based on https://git.rwth-aachen.de/protze/mpi-detach
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Converts NIFTI 1/2 files to HDF5 files containing an N-dimensional regular grid and a voxel spacing attribute.
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A lightweight application to easily apply custom locomotion data onto SB Characters and see their movement.
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CMake scripts and tools necessary for ViSTA and dependent projects.
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LuFG VR VIS / VR-Group / In Situ Pipeline / Insite
Apache License 2.0This repository provides useful scripts to set up the Insite pipeline.
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The setup script for the Project Template
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Algorithm Unrolling of the Wirtinger Flow
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TransMIL: Transformer based Correlated Multiple Instance Learning for Whole Slide Image Classification
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Simon Oehrl / screen-tearer
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Schauen, ob wir den SYE-Ordner von GitLab hier ins GitLa der RWTH-Aachen bekommen
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Johannes Radebold / Filip_ngsi-ld
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseFilip for semantics app
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Cyber-Physical-Social System Co-simulator based on Continuous-Time Markov Chain representation of attack trees